At St. Vincent de Paul, there are many ways to help - big and small. Through the generous financial support of individuals and corporations, we are able to serve hundreds of people in our community each year. More than 95 cents out of every dollar donated goes back to the community through our programs and services!
Due to our low overhead and totally volunteer organization almost every dollar you contribute to St. Tim's Conference stays in our community. We work in cooperation with Paz de Cristo. Paz is a food services driven ministry, whereas St. Tim's SVdP goes out into the community to provide a hand up.
SVdP is registered as a qualifying charitable organization under Section 501 (C)(3) of the IRS code. Our Tax I.D. number is 86-0096789.
Thank you for your support, your prayers and your contributions that help us help the poor and needy.
How to Donate
Celebrate the life of a loved one through a gift to the St. Timothy Conference in his or her name.
Credit Card
Click the Donate button to go to our donation site through PayPal. Once there, just enter a Donation amount and then click the Log In button or enter your credit card information.
Parish Drop-Off
You can leave a donation at the parish office in an envelope marked SVdP or use one of our envelopes located in the back of the church and either put it in the collection basket or mail to us. We suggest using a check or money order rather than cash for drop-off donations.
By Mail
You can a donation directly to the conference office through the mail. Just enclose a check or money order made out to SVdP - St. Timothy and any special instructions you have and mail to:
St. Timothy Catholic Community
SVdP Conference
1730 W. Guadalupe Road
Mesa, Arizona 85202