How can you serve those in need? We have several types of membership levels available.
Full/active members participate regularly in weekly meetings and visit homes of those in need, bringing food, assistance or sometimes just a prayer and a listening ear.
Associate members help out in activities like our annual Turkey Tuesday and adopt-a-family programs.
Contributing members regularly or in a substantial way provide financial support but does not engage directly in the work of the Society.
I love this ministry. The tears still come when we do the "Our Father" with our clients, but now I am not afraid to do so. I look forward to my day to work in the SVDP office at Paz and see what work there is today.
We have seen women with children with no visible means of support, and families in which men have lost their jobs and are frantic. We have delivered food, provided rent and utility assistance and most importantly a hope and a prayer. I still have lessons to be learned, but I have learned so much from the clients that we serve. This ministry is a gift that God has given me.
Leanna, St. Tim's Conference